Tuesday, April 23, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge

See this:

30 Day Blog Challenge
  1. List 20 Random Facts About Yourself
  2. Describe 3 Legitimate Fears You Have and How They Became Fears
  3. What was the Last Movie You Saw in the Theater?
  4. What is the Hardest Thing You Have Ever Experienced?
  5. What is your Dream Job and Why?
  6. What is the Most Difficult Thing You Have Had to Forgive?
  7. If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would It Be and Why?
  8. What Do You Think People Misunderstand Most About You?
  9. List 10 Things You Would Hope to Be Remembered For
  10. Your Earliest Memory?
  11. What is Your Food Philosophy?
  12. What is the Last Good Deed You Did for Someone/Someone Did For You?
  13. What’s in Your Purse?
  14. Write About Your Morning Routine
  15. What Was Your Most Memorable Vacation and Why?
  16. Who was Your Childhood Celebrity Crush?
  17. What’s One Thing You’ve Never Done That Most People Have?
  18. What Are Your Three Biggest Pet Peeves
  19. What is the Last Dream You Remember Having?
  20. If You Could Be Famous For One Thing, What Would it  Be?
  21. Write About Your Favorite Book
  22. Put Your Music Player on Shuffle and Write the First Ten Songs That Play
  23. Something That You’re Proud of
  24. Write About Something You Miss
  25. Something You Are Worried About
  26. One Thing You’re Excited For
  27. A Quote You Try to Live By Each Day
  28. What Were the Highs and Lows of the Past Year
  29. Your Biggest Regret in Life
  30. List 10People, Dead or Alive, You Would Invite to Dinner and Why
 Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

...before panic sets in among readers, I am not getting divorced.  It's actually worse than that.  My therapist broke up with me.  I've been discharged.  While I see myself as unfit to walk the streets without any psychiatric treatment, she feels differently.  Actually, that's not a fair assessment.  She believes I belong in a group therapy setting.  I tried digging in my heels on this, just like I did going for out patient therapy and eating disorder recovery, but again, I lost the battle.  Tomorrow I meet with a new therapist to possibly join a group.  It's a new journey for me.  And as my therapist assured me, "change is good."  Yeah, I'll get back to you on this.

Being discharged from one on one therapy is definitely a milestone.  I went from having a total nervous breakdown and denial of having an eating disorder to where I am now.  Now is better.  I breathe more and eat more (slightly).  There are less arguments with my husband and my home is not as uncomfortable as it once was. I think my husband would agree he isn't walking on egg shells anymore.  Don't misunderstand, every meal is STILL an argument or struggle in my home but I've learned to balance it.  I eat enough to make him happy but restrict enough to allow me to not panic.... most of the time.

Sharing my secrets and inner thoughts with a bunch of strangers is about as tempting to me as severing a limb but maybe my current health providers know something I don't know.  I've set up some goals for myself.  The number one goal is to figure out why I know what the right decision is but still decide to choose the one that's going to inflict more pain and anxiety.  I'd like to basically know why I'm always such an asshole.  It would help me out a bit. There is of course a tiny little bug in my brain worried about being threatened, yet again, to be sent to inpatient treatment for Barbie.  Now that the diagnosis for anorexia is changing, I may no longer fall under the non-insurance covered EDNOS and may fall into the completely covered Anorexia Nervosa diagnosis.  Lack of coverage was my excuse for a long time but now I fear I won't be able to hide behind that anymore.

I'm not really writing to talk about my eating (...or lack thereof).  This is more about dealing with a break up.  If you haven't broken up with a therapist that you bonded with, you won't understand but it's similar to losing anyone important in your life.  At the end of the day, she knew things about me that only Dr. Lilijohnson knew.  No one and I mean NO ONE knew what she did.  I trusted her with secrets about my thoughts, feelings and day to day life.  Week in and week out, sometimes multiple sessions, she listened to me and cared about what I had to say.  Never judging me or making me feel inadequate.  If anything, she made me feel normal, but maybe eccentric.  I would have stayed with her forever, but that's not good either.  At some point, you need break away.  We all grow up and move out of our parents house to attempt being adults-- this is sort of the same thing.

She was a VIP.  I doubt I'll ever find another like her but it's time to move on because I'm stuck.  It was put to me that I'm "dicking around." Can't really disagree.  I'm not committed to bettering myself at anything still.  I know what to do but I'm just not doing it.  Hopefully the women in this group can explain to me why.  It nauseates me to think of sharing my issues with perfect strangers but I've done it before so I guess I can do it again--- if they take me. 

My blog has been quiet for months because of this reason.  I'm stuck.  I don't really know what else to do and complaining about it won't get me anywhere.  Although, venting online gives me some relief so perhaps I'll go back to contributing more frequently.  It's tiresome being so fucked up.  Being emotionally drained every day makes you exhausted.  My anxiety eats up any energy I have, which, to be honest is low since I basically only eat once a day.  I guess I just found my second goal: work on eating more.

Living in the world of denial isn't working out so well anymore.  It's time to stop living the life I chose and start living the life I deserve.