It's starts off at an early age.... self soothing. In the case of my daughter, she has her pacifier and her favorite stuffed animal. When she's crying and miserable from teething or even if she's being a cranky pants, these two things make her feel better (along with kisses from mommy). For me, it also started with a pacifier then I moved on to a stuffed Minnie Mouse and eased into my early career as a stylist by spending hours dressing Barbie. My choices of comfort changed as I matured-- for the most part.
I remember when I saw him for the first time. I was 14, he was 19. It's a cliche, but I really did spot him across a crowded room, except he was on a stage. To me, Donnie Wahlberg was the perfect model of a man and listening to the music of New Kids on the Block was just pure, innocent fun. Going to their concerts and hanging up Donnie posters in my room was just FUN. It's what being a teenage girl is all about. It's a time in your life where you can either be a kid or try to be an adult. Sure there's stress, but it's teenager stress. I truly wish I had the problems I had when I was 14. 5 guys from Boston became my teen idols and stole my heart.
They say all good things must come to an end, and they do. I got older, the group split up and that was that... Or so I thought! Suddenly, without warning, there they were. I have a clear memory of watching their come back on the Today show, singing along to "Step By Step," getting goosebumps and jumping off the sofa with excitement..... but something was different this time. I wasn't 14 anymore! I could go wherever or pay whatever to see them because I was an adult! I soaked up this reunion like a sponge, and I haven't stopped. I don't shy away from my fan love (although some call it obsession), I embrace it.
This is my self soothing. Donnie makes me happy because he makes me feel like I'm 14 all over again. I don't know what it is about him, or even the group-- let's face it, I don't go to the concerts to hear them sing. I'm a realist, they aren't musical geniuses. When I'm in the midst of a concert, I'm no one's wife or mom. I'm a kid. I have no problems..... my mom isn't battling Cancer. I'm happy, dancing, singing.....
It's not a secret how sad I've been. So when the announcement of another New Kids cruise came out, I jumped at the chance. I secured my cabin with the girls and now I am counting down the days. Literally. Before I knew it, there was a rumor, then a rumble, then a tweet--- "Donnie Wahlberg's Birthday party -- VIP tickets on sale." Am I going? Hell yeah. Last year I celebrated his birthday with him, VIP style (which happened to fall on MY birthday-- see, I told you I celebrate big!), and I got a kiss. So why would I not go this year? It's going to be amazing and I'll be able to just breathe for a night. I have every intention of going and having a great time. Release some of this stress that I've been bottling up inside of me.
Danny, Donnie, Jordan, Joe and Jon are my guilty pleasure. My solace.
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