Friday, May 27, 2011

Cruise 2011: Day 3 (Pink Night)

This by far was one of the best days of the cruise because we actually didn't do anything.  We slept in and went for breakfast at the buffet-- which was just about to close for lunch--- and relaxed.  GF#1 wanted more time in the sun, per usual and GF#2 was taking scenic shots of Nassau.  I guess we could have taken a journey off the boat but honestly, I was tired.  I snuggled up on a chair by the quiet pool with my iPad when I heard some girls whispering, "Donnie is getting ice cream at the buffet."  Just like Wonder Woman, I leaped up out of my seat and tried to get into the dining hall as quickly as possible.  Sadly, the moment was lost.  It was at this point when I ran into some friends who sadly had a crazy fan attached to them. 

This pretty much sums it up:  she slept with the DJ to try and sleep with one of the guys.  In the course of the conversation she began to tell me what a man whore Donnie was and ruined my day.  How dare you say something like that about him?  who the fuck was this girl?  Clearly a classless whore.  I allowed it to consume me for about an hour and decided it was nap time. It was my only nap on the cruise but it was great.

We all started to get ready for pink night which was a fundraiser for breast cancer.  You would think our energy would have been high but speaking for myself, I was getting tired.  After dinner we ran up to the Lido deck to get ready to party.  I was secure in the thought I was going to make this an early night-- especially since the next day was a big one.  It was the Back Rub....  but more on that later.  I was out on the deck and wouldn't you know, the battery on my camera died.  FML.  Now what??????

Here's an idea, why don't I just watch them and enjoy them?  So I did.  I put my camera away, and stood there watching Donnie stand on one of the B stages and soaked it in.....  For the first time, in a long time, I enjoyed the moment.  I watched him work the crowd in his salmon colored sweater vest and pink fedora.....  I think there were 4 other guys there too but I can't be certain.  That night they were inconsequential.  Of all the nights on the boat, dancing on the Lido deck, this night in particular stands out for me.  Maybe because I wasn't trying to get near him or to secure the perfect photo...  I don't know.  Everything came full circle for me that night.  I was in awe of the crowds and his magic over all these women.  It was sort of amazing.

The highlight of course was him coming through the crowd on the shoulders of one his bodyguards and he grabbed my hand (along with hundreds of others) but it was awesome.  I have to say, his singing the words to "Tonight I'm Fucking You" by Enrique Inglesias was pretty hot too....  I enjoyed that moment and can remember it vividly.  I would be remiss if I didn't mention the DJ....  and how TERRIBLE he was.  I mean, horrendous.  Not only was he constantly putting himself up on the LCD screen, every other song was about "bitches."  I probably wouldn't have noticed it except for the fact that Donnie stopped the DJ and said, "there are no bitches on this ship." Let's just say, that's the last we saw of THAT DJ.

It was the end to another amazing day but we knew in the back of our minds that we only had one more night on the Lido Deck.....  *sigh*  Sometimes, I still wish I was on that Lido Deck.  I'm thankful that I soaked up that night. I was on a pure high dancing in my sparkling Louboutins until the wee hours of the night.

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