Monday, October 15, 2012

Bucket List 2012

I haven't been writing much in the way of my blog but mostly because I've been focusing more on my novel.  In an effort to take a break from the hundreds emails that I'm wading through upon my return from vacation, I thought I'd post my current bucket list (yes, some I can check off):

1.  Write a Book
2.  Be in Disney World at Christmas time
3.  Master the Art of French cooking by Julia Child
4.  Speak French fluently
5.  Become a Probation Officer
6.  Dance under the Eiffel Tower while it twinkles

7.  Be a real Princess for a Day
8.  Sleep with Donnie Wahlberg

9.  Eat Pasta in Italy
10.  Stand Under the Hollywood sign
11.  Get my nose pierced
12.  Swim in an Infinity pool
13. Make a Wish at the Trevi Fountain
14.  Be inaccessible by computer, phone, etc for one day
15.  Visit CoCo Chanel's apartment
16.  Battle my Eating Disorder

17.  Get a wrist tattoo
18.  See Gay Marriage legalized in all 50 states
19.  Visit the Palace at Versailles
20.  Get breast implants
21.  Be a good parent

22.  Own a Birkin Bag
23. Pay off my mom's house
24. Move to a different country
25 Take a world cruise on the Queen Mary
26. Ice Skate in Central Park
27. Go to a Drive in Movie
28. See the Statue of Liberty
29. Go on a No Budget Shopping Spree on Fifth Avenue
30.  Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride
31.  Stay in the Suite at Cinderella's Castle
32.  Create a Popular Blog
33. Make the perfect Chocolate Souffle
34.  Go to NYC Fashion Week
35. Master photography as my hobby
36.  Finish a NYT crossword in pen from Wed- Sunday
37. Visit the Mall of America
38.  Shoot a Gun
39.  Learn to play Texas Hold Em
40.  Go on a road trip with my best friend
41. Spend a whole day in bed alone, reading
42. Go to a midnight premiere of a movie I have to see
43.  Stop caring what others think of me
44.  Pay off my law school loan debts
45. Get my Master's Degree in Criminal Justice
46.  Reach a Healthy Weight
47. Kiss a celebrity

48. Live in my dream home
49. Go to Bora Bora
50. To be able to say one day, "I made it."

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