Sunday, February 20, 2011

Only Child Debate

Things in my life I shouldn't have to explain: my obsession with Louboutins, my fascination with Donnie Wahlberg and why I only want ONE child.  Normally, I would tell people to go fuck themselves (on the inside) when I get that "look" from someone who hears that my husband and I have one and we're done.  People tend to you look at you in one of two ways.

First, you get that look of, "wow-- that's selfish of you." Or, my favorite, that look of, "awwww...." like they've just been told I have a terminal disease.  In both instances, I have the go fuck yourself response building on the inside.  It usually takes every strength I have to control my tongue muscles from saying it.  When it really bad, and we're in mixed company, my husband says our secret word (muskrat) and I know to keep my mouth shut.

I recently was faced again with this topic of absolutely no one's business.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mind answering the legitimate question, "do you two plan on having any more kids?"  It's the spew of diarrhea that comes out of people's mouths after I say no that pisses me off.  There are many things that are personal decisions- like religion or politics.  Why is this any different? I can't tell you how irritating it is to hear the following sentence: "I know that you only have one but let me tell why I think you should have more...." Go fuck yourself.

Against my better judgment, I've decided to explain, once and for all why only one.  I think the best way to do it is in the form of a David Letterman Top Ten List.  So, without further ado....


10. Fertility treatments suck and they're painful
9. Kids are really, really expensive
8. We have a healthy baby, why test fate?
7. I got a girl first time out
6.  Only children are proven to be smarter (a prominent Texas psychologist did a study and found the following: "(Onlies) tend to score slightly higher in verbal ability, go farther in school and have a little bit higher self-esteem, and a lot of this just has to do with more parent involvement and uninterrupted time with adults.”)
5. I was an only child, and loved it.  Husband had siblings and hated it.
4. We are able to give her 100% of our focus and attention
3. I'm not emotionally stable enough to handle the anxiety of two children (my account is red flagged at CVS pharmacy I'm sure).
2. Being a mom, I have already given up a great deal of my life (which I was happy to do)

.....and the number one reason why we are having only one child


It frustrating to say the least.  I still tend to live my life as though I am 25.  My husband and I go out every Saturday night to dinner whether with friends or alone.  Other moms judge that and think it's selfish, well, I think they're ignorant.  My husband and I need time together. Everyone said our lives would change when we got married--- but that wasn't a true statement.  Our lives changed when our daughter was born.  We realized it was important to spend a night out together.  Yeah, it's only dinner and I'm still in bed by 11 but I was able to have time alone.  I truly believe having another child would impede on this...  as a matter of fact, I know it would.  It's harder to find a sitter for multiple kids than one.

I've struggled with this myself before.  I was open to having a second child....  but my husband wasn't.  When I said that to someone recently, they said to stop taking the Pill and not tell.  Hmmmm...  that's not really the key to a successful marriage but OK, thanks for that. I have a lot of love to give but my heart explodes for this little girl.  I don't know how I could love another this much -- although I know parents do.  

Instead of people questioning our position on having another child....  I wish they could sit back and see a truly happy family filled with a great deal of love.

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