Tuesday, October 12, 2010

...and scene.

After the last two blogs, I thought I should write about something good....  er, great.

Aside from: "Free Louboutins" or "Mr. Wahlberg is holding on line one for you"-- I didn't think I would hear something as wonderful as, "Dr. S called.  The Cancer is gone." Is there anything even left to say after that? Even thought I have heard that news once before (my dad was in remission for about 15 minutes), this is the new positive me so I know my mom is going to be fine. Hearing the news was exhilarating and to be honest, it still hasn't hit me I don't think.  (See previous sentence).  I think there is still a small part of me that wonders if the tests were right and if it's really gone, but again, I'm going to try and be positive.

When I heard the news I cried from being so happy and couldn't wait to call my husband and the rest of the family for that matter.  I sent out text messages to everyone who knew about my mom's diagnosis.  It's possible that people won't even know she's Cancer free until they read this blog.  I was asked not to post anything on a public forum (Facebook, Twitter, etc) so it took a while to reach everyone....  Hmmm, I wonder if blogging counts???  She's going to kill me if/when I ever tell her about this blog.

The obvious question is whether she will need the surgery still.  Yes, she is still going in for surgery.  I don't know if it's necessary as much as it's precautionary at this point.  The doctors all seemed to be a bit shocked the Cancer is gone.  I keep hearing the word "miracle" thrown around a lot lately with her fighting this disease.  Maybe this is God's way (yes, I do believe there is one even after all of this) of making up for what happened to my dad.  But, I don't thank Dr. S for this miraculous recovery and I don't thank God either... I thank my dad. 

My spirituality doesn't come from a religious belief but more of a superstitious one.  I'm not about to open a can of worms on theology so let's say I believe in God and leave it at that.  I believe this was a divine intervention by my father.  I've felt that way all along.  My mom was lucky enough to have a Cancer diagnosed at Stage I, which is usually diagnosed at Stage III or Stage IV. I don't know how he did it, but he put the wheels in motion of her getting sick which led to her early diagnosis.  Does this sound crazy?  Sure but you can't change my mind on this.

My blog will go on for a while longer-- at least through the surgery.  I'm going to need to vent somehow.
For now, all I can do is be thankful that she is Cancer free and hope she begins to feel better.  The residual effects of various infections and treatment therapies have taken a toll on her.  I miss having my mom around and I feel as though she isn't around (understandably).  I do believe she is at least 75% of the way on the road to recovery.

If this continues to go well, I will no longer see Cancer as a death sentence.  I do know Cancer survivors (I have to mention that my pug is one of them...) and I know people who know Cancer survivors.  After my father died, it seemed everyone I knew with a Cancer diagnosis lived. I hope to now include my mom in that group of people. 

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful news. Stay positive, she is one of the lucky ones. She is a survivor and will remain cancer free.
